Hi Everyone!

Welcome to Jackie & Squiggy's (Craigmuir Touch of Class) web page.

Since this is indeed Squiggy's web page it will be mainly about her progress and how she's getting on with training me... Please look at our diary and have a giggle.

Our Diary....

Please feel free to read at your leisure and of course add any (encouraging) comments!!!

Thursday 4 December 2008

Winter Woolies

Winter has definately arrived at the farm and Squiggy had her summer coat for about 2 weeks before she had to fluff up again! She had her first visit from the dentist today and is coming along a treat. We've started going for hacks too... obviously with me walking (I get very funny looks from drivers). She is enjoying being in at night as there is pretty much unlimited food!!

Thursday 2 October 2008

Scottish Supreme Showing Championships

It all sounds very posh but as it was just up the road at Ingliston we thought we would give it a go. We entered the Hunter Yearling class and I tarted her up the night before praying she wouldn't rub all her plaits out overnight. She scrubbed up very well the wee pet.

Up at 5am to get going as our class started at 8.30am (how anti-social). She loaded like a dream very quietly and calmly and I managed to do it myself for the first time ever. Got to Ingliston and polished her up some more!

She behaved impeccably and when we went into the class I thought she looked great - until she trotted. She was lame. I checked her foot in case it was a stone but nothing there so had another little trot and she was still limping.

I apologised to the judge and withdrew her from the class. We went home straightaway and she was still a bit sore but it didn't seem to be bothering her. Checked her over and couldn't see anything so turned her out to keep her moving. Checked her the next day and - ta da! - she was was sound as a pound!! I swear she must have been putting it on.

Not to worry, onwards and upwards. I think that'll be our last outing of the year, but extremely pleased with the way she takes it all in her (sound) stride. Her behaviour is fantastic and she is joy to work with.

So now the dreaded winter is coming it's time for the long johns and thermals! At least there will be no more bathing and plaiting for a while - Hooray!

Thursday 11 September 2008

Alls Quiet...

Squiggy is a great horse. I've been careful over the last few months to just leave her be so that she can play with friends and grow up quietly. I take her out the field a couple of times a week to spend time with her and she has such a lovely attitude to things. She is by no means perfect, but is a positive little thing that is willing to learn.

She has lost the foalie 'fleabitten' look she had going on for a while there! Thank Goodness. I was starting to worry that that was how she was going to look forever! She's looking very mature now with a lovely coat that shines.

Hopefully going showing at the end of the month so of course will update with all the news....

Thursday 19 June 2008

Show Day

We had a great day! Left at 6am this morning *yawns*. Squiggy had her full lycra bodysuit on to keep her clean and keep her plaits in because she was intent on destroying them last night!

April came too for company and they travelled like a dream together. We got there and they went into their stables for a little kip. Squiggy found a friend to speak to aswell.

Dougie came as my 'groom' today but only seemed intent on finding a beer tent. He had to make do with a bacon roll instead the wee soul. He wasn't that bad a groom actually, but Squiggy did tow him across the car park a few times!

So the class actually started on time which was great because there was no hanging around for her. the collecting ring was very busy so we spent our time dodging loony horses.

She went really well in the class and did get a little tired at the end so she had a nap! (This is becoming a habit). There were 23 in the class and the competition was stiff. She did us all proud though and gave me a lovely trot. No placing this time but very proud of the way she handled all the palaver!

At the end of day she galloped back to her friends and seemed none the worse for wear. We had a fantastic day and I'm looking forward to next year!

Go Squiggy!!

Wednesday 18 June 2008


RHS is tomorrow and I'm getting very nervy! Dougie is grooming for me the poor soul but it's either that or have the kids all day!

Squiggy has rubbed her face raw from the midges which is not good. Will need to go later for some damage control. I have some of Dougie's brown make-up from when he was at a fancy dress party!

So I will update you on our fun & games (sooner if it all went beautifully, but maybe not for a while if it all went tits-up).

Ciao for now....

Monday 9 June 2008

Summer Show Fever!

So 3 weeks ago we went to a show at Ingliston because it's so near to us. We had April Tots there in the morning with Carla then Squig in the afternoon. She travelled alone this time and handled it like a pro. We got there and she was understandibly excited but still sane thankfully.

Our class was Hunter in Hand - any age. There was only 5 in the class which was perfect for Squig so that she didn't have to stand around for ages. She performed perfectly and she really enjoyed herself. We got a fantastic extended trot and she floated across the ring so we were feeling very chuffed with ourselves.

However, we got pulled in last and so I asked for feedback (again). The 'judge' said to me she didn't think she had any condition atall and did I worm her? You could have knocked me over with a feather. She said she thought Squiggy was 'thin' aswell. I explained as politely as I could that indeed she was wormed, that I did actually feed her and that she is a yearling so I certainly didn't want her carrying too much weight (the vet thinks she's actually a bit 'portly').

So needless to say I felt p***** off and thought that her comments were totally unacceptable (and untrue). She will remain nameless but I'm going to throw eggs at her house tonight!

So next is Royal Highland. Can't remember why I actually entered now and feel really nervous whenever I think of it, but what's the worst that can happen?

Monday 12 May 2008

Our 1st Show!!!!

Well my girl was an absolute star! We went to Kilmacolm Show on Saturday to do 'Hunter Youngstock'. When I got to the yard it was a bit mental with everyone trying to get loaded up and away, but Squigs just stood at her door looking v. interested in everything and let me plait her up. She especially liked the tail and it gave her a little scratch!

We were giving Squig's Uncle Flint (he's 3) a lift to the show so he popped in the trailer and Squiggy went in with no problems atall. Honestly, she looked like she'd been travelled 100 times before!

Went very slow to the show and they were as good as gold. When we opened up the trailer Squiggy looked extremely interested and actually stood in the trailer for 10 minutes or so before getting impatient. We let them out and Squiggy had a ball she was neighing to everyone, stealing hay from random haynets, talking to spectators and generally getting right in amongst it! I think she thought the whole event was for her!

We had about a 2hr wait before our class (boo) but she was so entertained it wasn't a problem. There was 6 in our class and she was by far the youngest. Did the usual trot ups etc and she did sooo well considering she didn't really know what was expected of her. When we were standing in the line up she stood like a big girl and actually fell asleep!!

We eventually got placed 6th and I asked for feedback. The judge said that because she was up against the more mature horses she had it tough as they were nicely muscled etc. However, in my humble opinion if there was a prize for 'Best Behaved' it definately would have gone to her because she was a superstar.

So proud.

Tuesday 29 April 2008

Show Preparation!

Well it's busy busy for us just now! We have our first show in 10 days a couple of minutes down the road so a good starting point for our first outing. Squiggy has been getting a bit in her mouth now for a month or two and I started leading her tonight which confused her a bit! I'm really paranoid about hurting her little mouth but she understands a lot of voice commands so the leading should get better with practice.

We're also getting a lickle pony on loan for the summer for Carla (4) so she'll also grace the pages of Squiggy's blog soon as she will be her official travelling companion! I think Squigs will be very very excited when we go out and about but I'm really looking forward to it as I think she will loooove it!

Monday 14 April 2008

Trailer Training...

Well we're nearly on the move now! She's such a poppet. We've taken it v slowly with the trailer. I walked her through initially, then put the back ramp up, then front ramp then shut her in (this was done over several occasions). She has so far been very calm and grown-up about the whole thing. We have our first show on May 10th and we're just doing the one class (Youngstock). It's only down the road so a good starting point. Watch this space....

Tuesday 4 March 2008

RHS 2008....

Well I've received my pack for the Royal Highland Show 2008. I am thinking 'Sports Horse Youngstock' for her, because there seems to be no 'Hairiest Foalie' classes or 'Cutest 4 legs' class! Slight technical hitch in that I've not travelled her yet - but not to worry, just a minor detail! It's quite daunting as I've got about 6 forms to fill in and the class list is a lengthy booklet. Feels like I'm punching above my weight....However, I'll probably enter her as its still months away and then I can just make my mind up nearer the time. Of course Squiggy knows none of this yet - does anyone fancy the job of breaking it to her??!

Sunday 24 February 2008


Well well Squiggy has been apart from Mum for about 6 weeks now and space is short at the farm so it was decided to put Lady back with her foalie. They were v pleased to see each other! So much so Squiggy started suckling again! Breeder tapped her on the shoulder to say 'Oi, you're far too big to be doing that!' Oh Dear. To cut a long story short they are apart again! Lady is in foal so the last thing she needs is an +14hh foal sooking the life out of her!

Squiggy is doing well though and is such a lovely girl. She is so laid back that when she is a bit naughty I'm not quite sure how to handle it!

Saturday 26 January 2008

So, I've been taking Squigs out the field for a wee jaunt every day so she gets the idea. Initially didn't want to leave her pals understandibly, but a quick kick up the jacksy (my jacksy) from Yard Owner was all that was needed! You see, I was being far too lenient with her and letting her away with murder basically. Because she's so good you forget she's a baby sometimes. So she had started head-butting and trying to run away....All sorted thankfully as she's now got The Terminator for a mum! Well not quite but I am being much firmer now and she's responded really well. You'd think I would have the 'testing the boundaries' issue sorted as I've been through it with my 2 kids already! So we're back on an even keel now ready for our next adventure.....

Thursday 17 January 2008

Big Girl!

Well Squigs is now completely off Mum. She needs to let her milk dry up for the new baba. Its a bit scary now but she seems to be coping alright. I think her poor Mum guessed it was coming because I got stampeded in the field!! (have to say I'd be the same of someone nicked my baby). Shes had her 2 initial flu vaccs now and not looking forward to the next as she went 10 feet in the air with the last!

So, next step is teaching her to come in from the field herself and then trailer training. Not entirely sure of the plan yet. Actually the plan is: there is no plan!

Friday 4 January 2008

Our situation is a unique in that usually, mares have foals that are weaned at 6 months and sold or if at stud stuck in a field with other weaners. Squiggy is weaned at night and there aren't the facilities to split mum and her during the day. Also mum was getting a bit stressed initially and is a bit prone to colic. So we have kept them together.

Today, however was the first time that I went into the field, took her out and took her away out of sight from mum. I'm really pleased because Squig was great - no worries and mum was only slightly concerned - all in all v laid back (think she's maybe getting sick of a toddler running about). This may seem a small thing to a normal person but A) I'm not normal! and B) They have never really been apart during the day atall.

So farrier on Monday and I'm very hopeful all will go smoothly!!!

Thursday 3 January 2008

Lets Bring You Guys Up To Speed.....

Well I bought Squiggy 2 months ago from the breeder at my livery yard (v handy). I saw her on Day 1, fell head over heels and handed the money over 5 months later! She is now 7 months old and doing really well. I used to have a brilliant horse called Rocky that I did everything with, but had to sell him to make time for my new baby. sniff.

Anyhoo, she is a wee cracker and has been really well handled. She is now weaned off Momma at night and is really independant during the day (mum is in foal again). She does everything and really wants to please. She's now reaching the 'testing mum' stage and reminds me of my 2 year old son! (at least I don't have to change her nappy)

I suppose the object of the diary is to look back on it in 5 years and remember all the special moments (hope there actually are some!) Anyways, ta ta for now and we'll keep you posted....