Hi Everyone!

Welcome to Jackie & Squiggy's (Craigmuir Touch of Class) web page.

Since this is indeed Squiggy's web page it will be mainly about her progress and how she's getting on with training me... Please look at our diary and have a giggle.

Our Diary....

Please feel free to read at your leisure and of course add any (encouraging) comments!!!

Thursday 11 September 2008

Alls Quiet...

Squiggy is a great horse. I've been careful over the last few months to just leave her be so that she can play with friends and grow up quietly. I take her out the field a couple of times a week to spend time with her and she has such a lovely attitude to things. She is by no means perfect, but is a positive little thing that is willing to learn.

She has lost the foalie 'fleabitten' look she had going on for a while there! Thank Goodness. I was starting to worry that that was how she was going to look forever! She's looking very mature now with a lovely coat that shines.

Hopefully going showing at the end of the month so of course will update with all the news....