Hi Everyone!

Welcome to Jackie & Squiggy's (Craigmuir Touch of Class) web page.

Since this is indeed Squiggy's web page it will be mainly about her progress and how she's getting on with training me... Please look at our diary and have a giggle.

Our Diary....

Please feel free to read at your leisure and of course add any (encouraging) comments!!!

Thursday 19 June 2008

Show Day

We had a great day! Left at 6am this morning *yawns*. Squiggy had her full lycra bodysuit on to keep her clean and keep her plaits in because she was intent on destroying them last night!

April came too for company and they travelled like a dream together. We got there and they went into their stables for a little kip. Squiggy found a friend to speak to aswell.

Dougie came as my 'groom' today but only seemed intent on finding a beer tent. He had to make do with a bacon roll instead the wee soul. He wasn't that bad a groom actually, but Squiggy did tow him across the car park a few times!

So the class actually started on time which was great because there was no hanging around for her. the collecting ring was very busy so we spent our time dodging loony horses.

She went really well in the class and did get a little tired at the end so she had a nap! (This is becoming a habit). There were 23 in the class and the competition was stiff. She did us all proud though and gave me a lovely trot. No placing this time but very proud of the way she handled all the palaver!

At the end of day she galloped back to her friends and seemed none the worse for wear. We had a fantastic day and I'm looking forward to next year!

Go Squiggy!!

Wednesday 18 June 2008


RHS is tomorrow and I'm getting very nervy! Dougie is grooming for me the poor soul but it's either that or have the kids all day!

Squiggy has rubbed her face raw from the midges which is not good. Will need to go later for some damage control. I have some of Dougie's brown make-up from when he was at a fancy dress party!

So I will update you on our fun & games (sooner if it all went beautifully, but maybe not for a while if it all went tits-up).

Ciao for now....

Monday 9 June 2008

Summer Show Fever!

So 3 weeks ago we went to a show at Ingliston because it's so near to us. We had April Tots there in the morning with Carla then Squig in the afternoon. She travelled alone this time and handled it like a pro. We got there and she was understandibly excited but still sane thankfully.

Our class was Hunter in Hand - any age. There was only 5 in the class which was perfect for Squig so that she didn't have to stand around for ages. She performed perfectly and she really enjoyed herself. We got a fantastic extended trot and she floated across the ring so we were feeling very chuffed with ourselves.

However, we got pulled in last and so I asked for feedback (again). The 'judge' said to me she didn't think she had any condition atall and did I worm her? You could have knocked me over with a feather. She said she thought Squiggy was 'thin' aswell. I explained as politely as I could that indeed she was wormed, that I did actually feed her and that she is a yearling so I certainly didn't want her carrying too much weight (the vet thinks she's actually a bit 'portly').

So needless to say I felt p***** off and thought that her comments were totally unacceptable (and untrue). She will remain nameless but I'm going to throw eggs at her house tonight!

So next is Royal Highland. Can't remember why I actually entered now and feel really nervous whenever I think of it, but what's the worst that can happen?