Hi Everyone!

Welcome to Jackie & Squiggy's (Craigmuir Touch of Class) web page.

Since this is indeed Squiggy's web page it will be mainly about her progress and how she's getting on with training me... Please look at our diary and have a giggle.

Our Diary....

Please feel free to read at your leisure and of course add any (encouraging) comments!!!

Saturday 25 April 2009

Well to fuel the rumours that I haven't enough to do, I've made a little vid about Squigs. Please bear in mind this is my 1st attempt! Enjoy!!

Monday 20 April 2009

Baby Squiggy

A very kind man gave me some pictures and footage from when Squig was only 2 days old...Enjoy!

Sunday 19 April 2009

Grand Slam 11th April '09

Well we had our first outing of the year and we certainly enjoyed ourselves....! Early rise for our class at 8.30am, and I think Squigs was a bit put out that she wasn't allowed her full breakfast....Anyway, she loaded (as usual) no problem atall and after bit of stomping and neighing we were off.

Luckily we didn't have to wait around for long and she was hugely excited to be out and about. She got lots of tips on how to misbehave from a hyper horse in the collecting ring and actually had the nerve to rear up! I just turned and saw the underside of her belly and so she got a slapped wrist from me. Bless, I think she thought that was what we were 'meant' to be doing!

She calmed down though and behaved impeccably in the class. There were 8 in it and thankfully it didn't take too long. We were pulled in 3rd and managed to keep our placing after individual show. Chuffed doesn't describe it. So happy and proud that she was sensible but still lively enough to look like she really enjoyed it. She does enjoy her wee trips out and about!

She couldn't wait to get in the box and away home to tell all about her day. Had such a good day and hope there's lots more to come. Can't wait to do the ridden classes now.....