Hi Everyone!

Welcome to Jackie & Squiggy's (Craigmuir Touch of Class) web page.

Since this is indeed Squiggy's web page it will be mainly about her progress and how she's getting on with training me... Please look at our diary and have a giggle.

Our Diary....

Please feel free to read at your leisure and of course add any (encouraging) comments!!!

Monday 12 May 2008

Our 1st Show!!!!

Well my girl was an absolute star! We went to Kilmacolm Show on Saturday to do 'Hunter Youngstock'. When I got to the yard it was a bit mental with everyone trying to get loaded up and away, but Squigs just stood at her door looking v. interested in everything and let me plait her up. She especially liked the tail and it gave her a little scratch!

We were giving Squig's Uncle Flint (he's 3) a lift to the show so he popped in the trailer and Squiggy went in with no problems atall. Honestly, she looked like she'd been travelled 100 times before!

Went very slow to the show and they were as good as gold. When we opened up the trailer Squiggy looked extremely interested and actually stood in the trailer for 10 minutes or so before getting impatient. We let them out and Squiggy had a ball she was neighing to everyone, stealing hay from random haynets, talking to spectators and generally getting right in amongst it! I think she thought the whole event was for her!

We had about a 2hr wait before our class (boo) but she was so entertained it wasn't a problem. There was 6 in our class and she was by far the youngest. Did the usual trot ups etc and she did sooo well considering she didn't really know what was expected of her. When we were standing in the line up she stood like a big girl and actually fell asleep!!

We eventually got placed 6th and I asked for feedback. The judge said that because she was up against the more mature horses she had it tough as they were nicely muscled etc. However, in my humble opinion if there was a prize for 'Best Behaved' it definately would have gone to her because she was a superstar.

So proud.